Welcome to Aurorae.

My name is Rae Melton. I am one of the rare and ellusive female programmers striving to carve out my niche in the industry. I enjoy combining my analytical and spatial strengths to produce aesthetic solutions in applications as well as more artistic persuits. Someday I see myself working as a UI/Software Architect, but in the meantime I enjoy bettering the world in the small ways that I can. I've broken down my areas of expertise as such:


My photography services include wedding packages, general portraiture, product detail, as well as many other types of subject matter.

Graphic Design

I have dabbled in several different forms of Graphic Design, including logo and branding work, desktop publishing, and package design (letter head, etc.).

Web Design/Development

Web Design was what sparked my interest in computers. Over the years I've developed sites with varying degrees of both form and function.

Application Development

My professional background includes a B.S. in Computer Science and years of experience with desktop applications, thin clients, and phone apps.

About Me

I'm a female young professional seeking an extended career in UI/UX Architecture, Design and Development. Working with the upper levels of applications is not only a goal, but a hobby and passion. I do a lot of pro bono services for friends to extend my portfolio as well as for the enjoyment.

Home Widget 3

This is your third home widget box. To edit please go to Appearance > Widgets and choose 8th widget from the top in area eight called Home Widget 3. Title is also managable from widgets as well.