Through a crafty use of the string.slice function you can use a negative index to chop off the end of the url. This way you don’t have to check to see if there’s even a query string to chop off—no tedious substring length calculations.
Through a crafty use of the string.slice function you can use a negative index to chop off the end of the url. This way you don’t have to check to see if there’s even a query string to chop off—no tedious substring length calculations.
The null-coalescing operator in C# allows you to check if a variable has a null value and on-the-fly provide a default value in its place.
The .NET DateTime class has a handy CompareTo function that allows you to compare two DateTime objects. However, it’s not always easy to remember how the result relates to the relationship between the two DateTimes being compared.
Using Statements are a great way to avoid memory leaks in C#. This article explains what is happening functionally behind the scenes.
Performing find and replaces with regular expressions is a very powerful tool. Visual Studio has a few special ways of accomplishing this that vary from typical Regex practices.
There are two schools of thought to developing applications that can reach a wide variety of users: Graceful Degradation and Progressive Enhacement. Each addresses the issue of contemporary expectations
Something I encounter all too frequently (and have even been guilty of myself) is hard-coding email addresses into applications. The main problem with this is that you have to alter the source code when an address needs to be changed or when a recipient needs to be added or removed.
While the default method of achieving a gradient has been to create an image, this can easily add up and hurt your page load times. One solution is to use CSS gradients.
While it’s important to keep your content updated and fresh, it’s also important to make sure your more ‘indigenous’ visitors have a decent viewing experience as well.